Keyed up and raring to go after Adrian and Jenny’s successful year which had seen Rotarians returning to activities, it was a nasty shock to be evicted at the beginning of my tenure. Many and various locations were discussed, dismissed and visited during July and August before we landed on our feet here at Sandmoor and I hope everyone agrees we have been welcomed by staff, members and above all the Caterers. Now fully settled, we thank them all.
We have enjoyed a variety of speakers on some fascinating subjects including Robert G on Pies at a most successful Pie Night, the good qualities of Richard lll, what a dynamic woman Sue Ryder was, the trials of refugees in the UK particularly those in the Mercure, overseas talks (on Zoom) by John Hafseth’s son James from Germany, the delights of Children’s Music by Malcom Johnson, the entertainment at the Charter meal, held at the Mercure as Sandmoor could not accommodate us, though the technical problems were an entertainment on their own. Plus many more.
We have partied!!! Firstly in Adrian’s garden with a Hog Roast for Adrian and Jenny’s final fling, at Christmas with a Christmas meal and Carols from St Peters school choir and celebrating the new king Charles lll in Jenny’s garden with a Coronation tea and quiz. The Call my Bluff Wine tasting which was very well received! And of course the Bridge Drive, another successful afternoon.
We have quizzed: a Yorkshire Quiz at the Beck and Call , one of the locations examined as a possibility for our new home, our usual Quiz Night, always popular, and, as above, two royal themed quizzes at the Coronation Tea party,
We have visited: The Leeds Discovery Museum where a party of Rotarians visited and admired a plethora of ancient artifacts, older than themselves! We visited Airborough Club in their usual location and at Yeadon Town Hall, (they also visited us in return)
We ‘collected’ outside Sainsbury’s at Christmas, though, with no Santa or music allowed, it was low key with a slightly disappointing result considering the effort.
We supported St Peters School: judging their Poetry Competition, buying more Glockenspiels so there were sufficient for an entire class and teacher, as well as all the support several Rotarians give throughout the year.

We also supported the Technology Competition, a real eyeopener to the attitudes and abilities of upcoming youngsters.
We supported the Refugees at the Mercure with money for cycling accessories and collected warm clothing.

We also supported overseas disasters including the appalling situation in the Ukraine
I personally attended several Rotary events as President of Headingley: District Councils and the District Conference in Scarborough, though Speaker Giles Brandreth gave backword and we got Rory Bremner instead.
Lastly there are events still to come: My final Fling at the end of May with Fish and Chips at the Catch, The Ceilidh in June, and the Rotaract Celebration , another achievement of which we should be very proud, as a club.

It has been a good year, our Social Events have not only raised money but raised spirits and fellowship as well.