Category: NEWS


Our handover meeting began with the presentation of three Paul Harris Fellowship awards to Jenny Jones, Adrian Simmons and Julia Marshall for all their service beyond the norm.Various other awards…

Patricia’s Prosecco Party

We all had lovely time in a member’s garden celebrating what has been a wonderful year of activities, ably led by Patricia. The weather, though not gloriously sunny, was dry…

A Jamboree in South Korea

Lily Waite-Wright, grandaughter of President Patricia gave us a wonderful account of her trip to Korea with a scouting group. Despite not everything going to plan they met other scouts…

Alzheimers Research UK

We had our AGM today. It was wonderful to hear how much we have achieved in just one year! Well done to President Patricia. After the AGM Sara & Eesho…

Leeds Concert Band

Our Saturday night fund raising event was in St Chad’s Parish Centre in Headingley. Leeds Concert Band entertained us with a wonderful varied programme an some corny jokes!

1st Class steam train ride!

Members had a different Tuesday experience at the beginning of May – a trip from Emsay to Bolton Abbey and return with afternoon tea.

Tuesday Get-together

Lovely evening event inducting yet another new member introduced by members Keith and Peter and their wives Barbara and Pam. Welcome Roy! Plus we met our candidate for the RYLA…

Lend with Care

Pran, Robert and John have just re-lent the Club’s accrued repayments from Lendwithcare (£119.19) to four more entrepreneurs in the Third World. Olga Nohemí resides in the Santa Rosa neighbourhood…