Did you know that an arm of Rotary joined Disaster Aid UK & Ireland ?
Dr Pam Joyce spoke to us last night at our Foundation Dinner to explain what they do. They are not first responders but go into a disaster area and help people rebuild their lives. It might me getting them buildings supplies or seasonal clothes or small generators. They take simple water filtration packs to provide drinking water and help in so many ways.
As a Rotary Club we give money to the charity arm of Rotary and in return can apply for match funding for various projects. Every year we hold a Foundation Dinner and thanks to the hard work of club members, led very capably by Peter Woodhead raised over £500 last night. We were pleased to present Dr Joyce with a cheque for £1000 which we hope to be match funded.
We were pleased to welcome members of the Rotary Club of Leeds as well as lots of friends and family to a tasty meal at The Sand Moor Golf Club (thank you Chef Darren).